

Friday, February 22, 2013

Scappenger Hunt - Teen Tech Month

The month of March is so chockful of activities - research papers, digital newsletters, our state's school librarians conference, instruction on online safety, PASS testing - that I can't possibly be expected to recognize Teen Tech Week in just a...week. Nope. If I'm gonna do this mother justice, it's going to need to be a month-long event. *cue Bobby Brown* That's myyyyyy perogative.

So since I'm giving myself some extra time for this, I decided to adapt a scavenger hunt idea I saw on Pinterest (but, of course!) to use with my kiddos for Teen Tech Month. The plan is to sponsor a month-long "Scappenger Hunt."

Students who wish to participate will be given a card filled with apps, as seen in the picture above, and as they complete tasks having to do with those apps (see below), I'll hole-punch them until they're done. The prize will be a giftcard to the new WalMart opening in our town this March, and everyone who gives it the ol' high school try will get some candy for their efforts. Students can use their Smartphones, iPods, iPads, and other devices to complete their mission both in the library with me or at home.

No surprise, my school district blocks more than a few of these app sites, which is why I am going to allow students to use their Smartphones and devices in my presence for a few of the hole-punches. Others can be done on their own time at home - they're probably on many of these sites already.

I may tinker a bit more with these tasks, but so far I've got...

Facebook – “Like” our Powdersville High School Facebook page
Twitter – start following @PatriotsRead1 which is our new library Twitter feed!
Pinterest – tweet a funny/humorous pin you like from Pinterest to @PatriotsRead1
Goodreads – post to Edmodo the link to a suggested Listopia of good books you'd recommend to others
Bump – share a picture of Hello Kitty with Mrs. Chesney
Instagram – tweet an Instagram pic of you either reading or doing some activity in our library to @PatriotsRead1
Dropbox - upload a picture of your favorite book/magazine/manga to www.dropitto.me/PatriotsRead1  password: *****
Tumblr – tweet a link to your favorite tumblr to @PatriotsRead1 and share what’s awesome about it
QRCode reader – view one of the movie trailers from the ‘Coming Soon to a Theatre Near You’ poster outside the library
Edmodo – answer the poll and comment your favorite app on the poll on our Edmodo Book Freaks page
ReplayIt – share a picture using the ReplayIt app to our yearbook staff (they might even use it in the yearbook!)
Pandora – find the 80s Pop music station and tweet the first song you hear to @PatriotsRead1
YouTube – watch a book trailer and tweet @PatriotsRead1 the link
Camscanner – scan a written homework assignment  and save to Evernote to show Mrs. Chesney
Shazam – identify a song Mrs. Chesney will play over the iHome in the library
Evernote – show Mrs. Chesney the assignment you saved using Camscanner
I've just set up a school library Twitter account at @PatriotsRead1 and thought this would be a great way to get students following it. If you have any other suggestions, please comment them! I won't be doing this until the month of March, so I've got a little time to adapt and then promote.


  1. I so love this idea. I love even more that it will be all month...the students will have time to have fun with it. Here are some apps I thought of:

    Photo Comic: Make 1 frame comics or whole comic strips using your favorite photos. They can share their creations via Twitter, Facebook or email in a snap.

    Text Here app is also fun for creating photos with thought bubbles and such--Text Here photo creations can be shared on Facebook, Twitter,email, and Instagram

    Wordfoto: another cool app where kids can make works of art using their photos. They can share on Facebook, email, save to photo library or in Dropbox. Maybe kids can save all of their photo art in a Dropbox file and "share" this file with you. Sharing folders on Dropbox is a cool feature and maybe student haven't used that before?

    MeMatic: Create a meme of your favorite teacher (with their permission of course ;o) and tweet it to the Patriot's page.(They can get inspiration from the Meme Factory App--Hundreds of funny memes on this app--can't create one here though)

    Apps Gone Free: This is a cool app for getting pricey for apps free. I check it daily. Students could share their favorite free app find.

    Whaddaya think?

  2. I'd thought to use Wordfoto until I found it's only available for iPhone not Android - which is true of all the others you listed, unfortch. :-( That's one thing I checked with all of the apps included above - they need to be do-able on iPhone and Android. It's crazy how many aren't android-friendly yet. :-/

  3. Darn it...I wasn't even thinking that! Maybe between the two of us (my iPhone and your Android) we can find a good comic strip app compatible for both, since there are some dedicated comic readers and I would love to find a meme maker (I thought your original idea was too funny!)...back to the drawing board.
